Comments on: Foodie Pro Genesis Child Theme Review Simple Food, Simply Delicious Tue, 05 Jun 2018 20:39:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Shultz Thu, 14 May 2015 22:37:15 +0000 In reply to Brigid.

It’s sort of like setting up a new site entirely. So, it’s mostly just an issue of time.

Some people don’t like the way the homepage pagination works, but it’s a pretty minor issue in my opinion.

The biggest reason to update would be that Foodie Pro will be given updates as needed whereas I’m guessing the original Foodie won’t be supported as quickly.

By: John Shultz Thu, 14 May 2015 22:30:21 +0000 In reply to Colette.

The Table of Contents at the top of the Stylesheet can be helpful in finding certain areas of code. For the headings and font sizes, look for the areas of code under:

/* Headings
——————————————— */

I usually use the “find” function as well to try and zone in on where I need to be working in my stylesheet.

Hope that helps!

By: Colette Sun, 10 May 2015 01:59:31 +0000 John,
I have gone through the Blogger U easy customizations to try to figure out how to change the font size of my menu headings in Food Pro. I’m pretty lost. I understand the inspect the element function and have figured that out. I can’t seem to find the corresponding code in my CSS. Is there a more straightforward way to do this? I’m happy with the google font that came with Foodie Pro I just want to increase the size and/or bold the font.

By: Katy | Her Cup of Joy Wed, 06 May 2015 13:28:24 +0000 I love Foodie Pro, all of your tips and tutorials were helpful to set up my website. I am still playing around with my formatting but I love how easy it was to use. I have never blogger before but this was a perfect way to start!
